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Full Version: Auto Save & Save In Shot Manager
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As a long time FrameForge user, I've always been surprised that a program this sophisticated, with this many features, doesn't have an Auto Save function. Or at least an Auto Save option I can enable.

Also, as part of my workflow, one of the last things I do is revise and proof all of my shot data. But whenever I'm working in the Shot Manager, and I save the file, the program exits the Shot Manager and returns me to the Control Room--forcing me to have to go back into the Shot Manager, even though I never wanted to leave. This is really annoying. Particularly if all I want to do is work in the Shot Manager for an extended period of time.

Please consider adding an Auto Save function and the ability to remain in the Shot Manager when saving.

Thank you.
You're using Windows, correct? In the Mac version, one can save while in Shot Manager without leaving Shot Manager.
Yes, I'm using Windows.

It would be nice to be able to stay in the Shot Manager when saving the file. Particularly if everything I'm doing at that moment is in the Shot Manager.

This isn't a complaint. It's a request.

Thank you.
atittle Wrote:As a long time FrameForge user, I've always been surprised that a program this sophisticated, with this many features, doesn't have an Auto Save function. Or at least an Auto Save option I can enable.

It absolutely DOES have an auto-save function, but it happens so quickly you wouldn't ever notice it unless the program crashed... in which case you WOULD notice it as it would automatically reload the project you'd last been working on at the state pretty much when it crashed.

atittle Wrote:Also, as part of my workflow, one of the last things I do is revise and proof all of my shot data. But whenever I'm working in the Shot Manager, and I save the file, the program exits the Shot Manager and returns me to the Control Room--forcing me to have to go back into the Shot Manager, even though I never wanted to leave. This is really annoying. Particularly if all I want to do is work in the Shot Manager for an extended period of time.

Seems reasonable -- we'll look into it.