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Will be filming in a Corn Maze this spring.  How can I set up my set to show the corn and open spaces ?
I can appreciate that you made this post back in December of last year and you have my apologies for not responding sooner.  I simply never saw your post until now.  I'm normally all over these kinds of requests because I enjoy a challenge when it comes to FrameForge.  That said, this is what I came up with.

[Image: BPv.PNG]
[Image: CM01.jpg]

[Image: CM02.jpg]

So I made my corn in 3DS Max and then used an array tool to create copies until I had a 50x50 rectangle of corn plants.  I then deleted individual plant models to form the "maze".  Of course, if you arent a modeller, those instructions won't help you much.  What I could do is provide you with 3-4 models, each model being a row of plants.  I could make 3 plant row, a 4 plant row, a 5 plant row and a single plant model for you which should allow you to create whatever maze you'd like.  I've also attached this model to this post as well in case anyone else can use it.  Be warned, this particular model resource intensive meaning it takes a lot of computing resources to render this model when it is on set.  If you add this object to a set that is already busy (lots of objects on set) you may find that your computer and/or FrameForge is behaving slow or sluggish.  This happens because FrameForge is trying to render in real time and anytime a model with so much detail is thrown into the mix, there is a price to be paid (in terms of computing resources).
As I stated in my last post, I can provide models of smaller rows of corn which will allow you to create your own maze and in doing so, anyone using version 4 (or greater) can use the Clone functionality which imposes a smaller burden on your computing resources than multiples of the same model on set.
[Image: corn01.jpg]Single Stalk

[Image: corn02.jpg]Row of 2

[Image: corn04.jpg]Row of 4

[Image: corn03.jpg]Row 0f 6

[Image: corn08.jpg]Row 0f 8

[Image: corn10.jpg]Row of 10

The models can be found as attachments to this post.  Simply download the ones you want and unpack each files contents into the Prop inventory directory of your choice.  The prop library is located in the FrameForge application directory if using OSX and if using a PC, is located here: C:\ProgramData\FrameForge Storyboard Studio\Library

Good suggestion on a model, there is a lot that can be done with this.
[Image: BrosintheCorn.jpg]
amazing work!
Chris !   These are amazing!  THANK YOU !!!    Had moved away from learning/using frameforge for a bit, then couldn't get logged into the forums.... so don't feel bad about the delay.  The film was pushed back due to production demands for a TV Show I direct and Edit.... so... this is PERFECT timing !   THANK [Image: smile.png] YOU !!!!!