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I need to build the exterior of a large stand-alone movie theater. A bunch of issues are coming up, so I'm just wondering if I'm going about it the correct way and how to handle certain things. For instance, where the ticket window and front doors are, some of the front walls are curved. Is there a way to reproduce this (curved walls?) I'd need to be able to put windows in it, etc. Also, there's an overhang that sticks out over the entire front of the building over the ticket counter area. How would I accomplish this?

Thanks for any suggestions on the best way to build a non-standard dimension exterior building.


Innoventive Software, LLC

popechild Wrote:I need to build the exterior of a large stand-alone movie theater. A bunch of issues are coming up, so I'm just wondering if I'm going about it the correct way and how to handle certain things. For instance, where the ticket window and front doors are, some of the front walls are curved. Is there a way to reproduce this (curved walls?) I'd need to be able to put windows in it, etc. Also, there's an overhang that sticks out over the entire front of the building over the ticket counter area. How would I accomplish this?

Thanks for any suggestions on the best way to build a non-standard dimension exterior building.


The easiest way to produce curved walls is to create a short wall -- two feet wide or so -- and then duplicate it and then spin each segment a fixed number of degrees (say 15) by using the numeric spin control.

Align them up and you have a curved wall. I put together a simple sample which uses this technique in addition to using the building blocks to form the ticket kiosk. Hope this helps!

[Image: movie_theater.jpg]


I tried to import this set, but the program said that it is a window file and proposed to suggest to you to re-save it in a cross-platform format. Can you do it? Thanks.

Innoventive Software, LLC

Here you go. If you improve it (which shouldn't be hard...!) please share any new versions.


Thanks, but it wasn't at all what I expected, I wanted to change the exterior of a movie theater to make a theater. Actually I made it from the courthouse, here it is.


Sorry, it appears too big and the text "Grand Theater" is no more readable, but I don't know how to correct it.