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Has anybody made a Bar/Pub/Tavern that they would like to share?

What I'm looking for is that with a bar. stools,dartboard,jukebox,and boothes (the kind that are really big, above your head type of boothes).

Checkerboard type flooring (black/white)

Also...on the backwall with big mirror, bottles and bottles of beer and stuff,cash register.

Thanks again.

Innoventive Software, LLC

Chiprocks1 Wrote:Has anybody made a Bar/Pub/Tavern that they would like to share?

What I'm looking for is that with a bar. stools,dartboard,jukebox,and boothes (the kind that are really big, above your head type of boothes).

I've posted in the user objects forum both a bar and a bar stool; should anyone build a relationship with the man or woman and the stool, it would be helpful to everyone if they posted it.

The booths should be fairly trivial for you to make. Just take a texturable cube, scale its height say 400% (4 feet tall), scale its width to 350% (3.5 feet) and its depth to 17% (approximately 1") thick. That's the divider/back of the booth.

For the seat, take another cube, scale its height to 17%, its width to 350% and leave its depth at 100%. Elevate and align it as appropriate. It may be useful to drag in a real chair at this point to get the height of the seat right.

Sides can be made the same way. Glue all the booth pieces together, bring them into the green room, go to Colors,Textures & State, select --For All Parts-- in the drop-down list next to Part Name and then set the paint color or apply a texture as appropriate.

If you want to make it fancier you could add a cushion made from a rounded cube and scaled slightly smaller than the seat in all dimensions. Put it on top. Bring it into the green room and set its color. Exit the green room and duplicate & Mirror the booth as needed to dress your room.

If you build this, please post it on the User Objects Forum.

Chiprocks1 Wrote:Checkerboard type flooring (black/white)

I've attached one. Just did it in MS paint. NOTE: to download this, if you don't see a download button, simply right-click on the graphic and choose Save As... or the equivalent.

Chiprocks1 Wrote:Also...on the backwall with big mirror, bottles and bottles of beer and stuff, cash register.

Thanks again.

Hope this all helps!


Thanks for the Bar, Stool, and Flooring. Good job!!!


Thank you for the step-by-step tutorial on creating the Booth.

Innoventive Software, LLC

Chiprocks1 Wrote:Thanks for the Bar, Stool, and Flooring. Good job!!!


Thank you for the step-by-step tutorial on creating the Booth.

Glad to help when I can.