FrameForge Storyboard Studio Forums

Full Version: Simple office with hall
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My first attempt at a set. Please delete this post if it does not meet the correct standards or quality. Thanks.

Site Admin: What do you mean, this is really nice, though the ceiling does make it a little hard to use. I've posted an alternative version without the ceiling, but I think this is a nicely executed set.

[Image: receptionist_set.jpg]

One note is that it is missing the following textures: carpet.jpg and kp_jason california vacation 028.jpg so if you could edit this announcement and post them, that would be great, otherwise it still looks good even if you skip loading those textures.


I haven't revisited the forum in a while. Thanks for the critique, it's appreciated. Here's the texture showing the view thru the window. I have it in the Textures/Pictures folder.


Attachment was too large. Here's a cropped version.