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I hope this works, let me know.

Jay Hoover

Jesus, Z, where'd you find that thing?

All it needs is a set of dice and you could use it to play "Mouse Trap"!

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... Boxjpg.jpg</a><!-- m -->


Z-Boy Wrote:I would like to post this but when i put it in a .zip it was 2.2mb how can i get it smaller to post?

Is it a normal user object, or a "true FrameForge object"? If it is a normal user object, then I'd guess that the biggest thing when you export it is likely to be the textures. You might be able to down-sample the textures to slim it down.


Has anyone been able to use this ?



No, it's not going to work. That's a user object that refers to an exported object, and since the exported object is not available, FrameForge will give an error message about a missing object. I feel a new FAQ entry coming on...