Wow, working with hinges is finiky business... anyway, got it made, finally. The lid opens and closes, and the little lock can spin around. Also comes with the new symbol instead of the old cross.
MostlyHarmless Wrote:Also comes with the new symbol instead of the old cross.
New symbol? Old Cross... Huh? I guess *I'm* out of it.
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In the Christian world the Cross is a powerful symbol and equally is the crescent in a Muslim world.. I can see why the new red crystal has been included so not to offer negative religious connotations which is usually associated with religious hate.
Would have been nice if you could have produced three First Aid kits to reflect the three symbols and that way users can choose which ones to use in their storyboards...
If I storyboard a 1940's Film Noir or War movie I'd need the original Cross for my First Aid kit..
Good job though, some nice touches with the hinges and lock..
I'm a member of the Religious Order of Red Diamondism* (or, ROORD), and this symbol offends me and both of the other people in our congregation.
Just kiddin'... Nice job.
* The First Commandment of ROORD: "We are right, you are wrong."