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I produced three Space Station Style Walkways on a single set.

The walkways themselves are actually three sets, you can use them individually or in combination, whatever suits your needs.

I produced these simply for fun, as experimentation to see what I could produce using the building objects which come bundled with FrameForge, together with some walls, resized and textured using only 2 textures.

I've placed some standard male and female characters within the sets to provide dimension, scale and perspective. I've also included some shots taken on these sets to give you the idea of the possibilities.. The male and female characters have had their clothes colors changed to an off-grey or a light grey, whichever you may like to call that color so it didn't clash with the overall white in the set itself and secondly to resemble a space style uniform/clothes.

The two textures used are as follows:-




These reside in the the FrameForge textures library in a new folder named:-

Space Station

I've included the two bitmap textures here for you to download...

So all the necessary files you need to these three cool sets are provided for you here.

If I had a hexagon tube building block material I could build another set which would probably look more realistic but the three I've produced here don't look to bad on the eyes I think..

Just don't forget to place those textures in a new folder within the textures folder named Space Station and everything should load properly for you..



Innoventive Software, LLC

Kevan Wrote:I produced three Space Station Style Walkways on a single set.

Very nice work; thanks for sharing and for your very explicit instructions.


Innoventive Software, LLC Wrote:
Kevan Wrote:I produced three Space Station Style Walkways on a single set.

Very nice work; thanks for sharing and for your very explicit instructions.

No problem..

I had to employ the AnglePoise lamp to get the effect of lighting but all the legs stick out of the back of the set like a bunch of sticks on a cage system - very weird..

If we had a small lamp without a stand, like one you place on a wall or ceiling, which can switch the light on and off, similar to the Anglepoise lamp, that could be used for wall and ceiling lamps like in my Walkways set designs without the lamp legs sticking out.. So you can simply glue the lamp to the side of the wall or a ceiling..

It'd be cool if they could have the option to color and texture by the user themselves and have the lamp switchable with a translucent cone to give the impression of a beam of light like in the Anglepoise lamp.. And a bulb which you can change the color would be great too.. They could be used in any set design you can think of... Would be cool if somebody could make those.. They would be real useful me thinks, like in the pictures referenced below..

If somebody could model those they would be a great asset in FrameForge..



Hey Kevan,

I've just posted a flat lamp here:-

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... php?p=9086</a><!-- m -->

hope it helps.



I posted a reply in the other thread..

Thanks again, you did a great job. Will come in very useful that model, switchable too..


Well done..



Very good work on that set. I certainly could use that wonderful creation. One thing though, For the life of me, I can't find any of the elements you suggested to put in a space station folder. wall_005, floor020 or the Anglepoise lamp are nowhere to be found in FF. I've looked throu all textures, nothing. And none of my lamps remotely look like the anglepoise. I also seem to have the latest update, so what am I doing wrong? Would really appreciate your input... thanks.


2wild Wrote:Very good work on that set. I certainly could use that wonderful creation. One thing though, For the life of me, I can't find any of the elements you suggested to put in a space station folder. wall_005, floor020 or the Anglepoise lamp are nowhere to be found in FF. I've looked throu all textures, nothing. And none of my lamps remotely look like the anglepoise. I also seem to have the latest update, so what am I doing wrong? Would really appreciate your input... thanks.

On a PC:-

C:\Program Files\FrameForge 3D Studio 2\Library\Anglepoise Lamp.3dxf

As for the walls they are standards walls which have been resized..

Let me know if you still experience any problems and I'll try and upload the files for you..



The Anglepoise Lamp is a custom made user object rather than a FrameForge object. It can be found in 'User Objects' here:-

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... php?t=1890</a><!-- m -->


Amulet Wrote:The Anglepoise Lamp is a custom made user object rather than a FrameForge object. It can be found in 'User Objects' here:-

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... php?t=1890</a><!-- m -->

Thanks Amulet..

I must replace that Anglepoise lamp for the flat ones you produced.. I've been rather busy of late and not managed to do that but I will this week sometime..

