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Full Version: Shed Observatory
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My script calls for interaction in a backyard observatory, alas I was unable to find one anywhere. In the end I made one myself using FrameForge components, Im really pleased with it particularly because I've never made anything as complex before...

Best regards.

Ken Matthews

Jay Hoover

Wow, this is sweet. Care to share it?


Hello Jay,

You mean the telescope or the whole set?
I've already posted the telescope under User Objects...

Best regards.


Jay Hoover

I meant the t-scope-- and saw it on the Objects list. Really nice work.


Hello Jay,

Thanks very much for your comment, much appreciated.
I tried hard to find one as I have several important scenes in the observatory. When I was unsuccessful in finding a telescope I started to wish I'd set the scene elsewhere...
Happily, once I set my mind to building one, the whole process was quick and easy! Another plus point for a great programme...

Best regards.
