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I am in need of a tree house set, and was wondering if any one out there had any advice in to how to build one? Thanks.

Innoventive Software, LLC

Sorry we haven't responded, somehow we missed this one.

Basically you can create a simple room using room builder and then use a cube and stretch it out for the floor and ceiling then elevate it into a tree.

The only issue then is that the branches of the tree will push through into the house, so what I recommend is that you cheat it a little. When you're in the house just move it out of the tree (or have it as a different set).

Hope this helps.

Jay Hoover

dmcarr Wrote:I am in need of a tree house set, and was wondering if any one out there had any advice in to how to build one? Thanks.

Step 1. Get a tree.

Jay Hoover

ok, being a wiseass, house this?

