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Full Version: Moving Shots Between Sets
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How can I move shot(s) between sets? I have a house with family room and kitchen, and initially I had 1 set for both rooms, then I decided to split the rooms into 2 sets, but I do not want to re-create the shots into the new set.  I just want to like maybe, from the Shot Manager or anywhere, drag and drop the shots from the existing set into the new set?  The Shot Manager does not allow existing shots to be dragged and dropped into another set.  How can I do that please? Or what is the easiest or most efficient way to do that?

(I thought I had it figure out, but it really didn't work that well the way I thought I had figured it out, so I'm reposting)
A shot shows a specific stage of a project (set) and is assigned to a specific set. If you double click this shot in the shotmanager the exact state of the specific set will be recalled. With all the props and arragements of this specific moment in time. If you split a set in two - I assume with the clone function - you have two sets. They may look similar but they are two independent sets now. It is not possible to nest a shot from set 1 inside set 2.
This has been a major thorn in my side because if you move shots around it's a huge problem...I'm hoping at some point, they figure out how to let this happen.