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Curved Roof/ Ceilings/ Coppola

Anyone out there who can give me some tips on how to create a a domed/ curved roof/ ceiling like railway stations have?
Does it have to be created in something like Cinema4D and then imported in?
Also, if created in a software like Cinema4D what are the export parameters so that FrameForge recognises it as a ceiling or roof with curved glass panels which can be opened or closed as well as being transparent. Can it be implemented on Room Builder so that for different scenarios I can then change its size, curvature, height and look (of the metal girders and glass panels)?
I have attached a jpg of a real railway station but obviously will not want that level of detail necessarily.
Just to be able to create curved/ domed ceilings and roofs.

Thanks in advance.


A curved roof panel is constructed in the same manner as other metal panels, retro bowl with each steel sheet passing through a roll forming machine to generate its profile.

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