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2 Problems left ...
Windows PC - FrameForge 4.0.3 (Build 8).
Nearly all Bugs were fixed! Thank you FF Team!
Only two issues still exist.

1. Jumping issue with imported and scaled Props. You can reconstruct this issue with an imported Sketchup Prop or a tree. Drag the imported prop or a tree on the Blueprint view and place it in a corner so that you can see the problem if a dialog pops up
- Click the scale orb -> insert a relevant number → the prop or tree moves and jumps -> click cancel -> click the scale orb.... (same behavior with the scale button on the left side of the working space)

2. "Append Frame" Problem
On Windows Systems it is not possible to select the "Append Frame" field if the field "No. 1" was clicked previously to the "Append Frame" field.
So a "frame backwards" must be clicked and then the "End" button must be clicked to append a frame.
- take a shot
- double click on the shot (no.1) to reload it to the Live View
- click the "Append Frame" field -> not possible

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