06-20-2018, 02:15 PM

Everytime I want to make a new shot, its replaced...It says I have a shot selected, but how in earth do I deselect something in the shot manager? This software is really frustrating.
Congratulations, you have just replaced an existing frame with the one you just snapped.
This happened because one of the two frames in the storyboard preview area was selected when you snapped the shot, signifying that it was to be replaced rather than a new shot inserted.
If, however, this was not what you intended, you have two choices. To restore the old shot and forget the new shot, simply choose Undo Store Snapshot from the Edit menu. If you want to restore the old shot but keep the new one, go to the Shot Manager, click the Show Deleted button in the top row of buttons, and you’ll see the shot that was just replaced flagged as deleted. All you need to do then is select that shot, click the Restore Shot button, and it will be restored to your storyboard.