In my ongoing search for a decent looking scabby sewer rat, I am willing to exchange if anyone is interested. I have animals, weapons, furniture, aircraft (commercial, private, and military), buildings,etc.
I've included an X Wing Fighter and a dolphin for your use.
Hey man, I will keep my eye out for a rat for you, but I would suggest taking this post down because I put up a trade link which seemed to twist some peoples panties in a knot.
Just warning you, I will take a look around and get back to you. (Do you have any army things?)
Hey man, i couldnt find one from my source. Dose your source have other formats besides WRL? Is there a rat in a differnt format? I can confvert some other formats to WRL.
Z-Boy Wrote:wait i might have found something that will work. What dose the rat have to do in the sceen?
Not much; bite a dog on the leg as it's coming out of a sewer grate -- and for the most part, I can fake that.
There's a rat.wrl out there that is ludicrously cartoonish which is no good. I've posted two pics -- one of the lousy rat, one of the good rat. I don't have a wrl of the good one, but a 3ds of the good one that's huge (1.9 megs) in size.
ok, for some reason that rat wont load into my software, but i found a differnt rat that might work. Do you just want the rat or do you want him to have joints to minipulate?
ok, what do you think? It dosnt have any axis points though, but it works. There are four differnt texturable sections: The tail, each eye and the body.