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Rendering Issue


I have a peculiar rendering problem. I have uploaded two pictures. In the background of the first frame you will notice faint lights shinning through the store window. In the second frame, the backgrounds lights are missing. Both shots were captured at roughly the same time and both should have backgrounds lights. However, when I render them both out to jpg. the background lights in the second shot disappear. What could be causing this?
Oh yes, I forgot to mention that I am using an iMac 3.4 GHz Intel Core i7 and I am running OS 10.11.6
Nothing occurs to me right off the bat. We may need you to e-mail a document to us so we can see whether we can reproduce the problem. (You could create a new empty document and use File > Import > Shots from Storyboard to copy just those 2 shots, and then create a .cpack file with any nonstandard objects or textures.)

What graphics card does your iMac have?
[Image: JamesWSigFile.png]

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